Sunday, October 21, 2007


Autumn lies
its thick falls
like syrup
stupid and sexual
promising escapeless routes
through such veinless river

the stained pillow
a current of adulterated kindred
spilled astray
by this drowsy massacre
in mid departure

you've resurfaced your existence
like ocean foam
whose white body survives
only by chronic retreat
stringed in a sway
your organs surged
like the nightmare fly
who steals my female sin
and scentless prayers
devouring the ring
of citrus lining
and curdled want

you have never moved

nor been

it's because of me
that you are always spring


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey punk, SHOOT!
i like this one. inspired by the seasons it seems.
oh how the minutes go by.
i like the link, body survives only by chronic retreat...
dont read poems to your korean students, they might have a brain haemorrhage..
now there is a cool word. methinks it would be a good poem title.

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't agree with yannicus. I think you can do better than that, you have something, i mean, you have ritm, and certain melancolic tone, but you need to read more. Sometimes people just write without think about how hard is that. C`mon read Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, read the classics, Catulo, Virgilio, Ovidio, read writers from other conuntries, i recommend you to pay attention on latinamericans writers like José Emilio Pacheco, from México, or Jorge Luis Borges, from Argentina. Read poets from Perú. Read poets like Williams Carlos Williams, or Margaret Atwood (love this writer).
Try to do more studies about their styles, technique and feel them. Then, once you've done all that, then try to write findin' your own voice. You'll see how hard, but, at the same time, sweet and funny is to write anything, poetry, essay, short story, novel. Try to give you the oportunity to love the langague, to love the words.
Well, see ya.

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Thelonius Monk, too!!!!!!!
And Nina Simone... and Tom Waits...
What a great surprise for me having find this (did i wrote correctly that?, sorry, my english is too bad) blog. Nice to meet you, please, post more.
I know Sashkka. I'm from México.

3:40 PM  
Blogger said...

Anyway, you could read all that as Edgar says, or you could check out my new blog ( which is full of old poems but also some new ones.
i'm picking through your stuff for inspiration, hihhihi.

Sarang Hé!

(yannicus aka anominous)

6:34 AM  
Blogger said...

oh and i killed my old website, it was in pain and limping along, so might as well take down the link.

6:35 AM  

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